THE GIFT OF ART a new short story by Stephen Cole
THE GIFT OF ART by Stephen Cole Arthur remembered. Today was some special day, but which? Was it Marge's birthday? Or their anniversary?...

ZOOM! a new short story by Stephen Cole
ZOOM! By Stephen Cole Minerva P. (for Petunia) Cavendish was going to do it. She vowed she would and now she was. Minerva was about to...

Washing Garbage a new short story by Stephen Cole
The denizens and regulars at Sardi's were in mourning. Maurice Zane was dead. Never again would they hear that indistinguishable European...

The Sewing Machine-A short story by Stephen Cole
"There's no room for the Singer. And besides, you don't sew anymore," her daughter wearily said. The Singer sewing machine had been in...

Sisters Through a Window-A short story by Stephen Cole
Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn was not a place you wanted to spend a day in, let alone six months. The decades were not kind to the...

Over the Hill-A short story by Stephen Cole
Michael knew he was different. Unlike other kids, he loved the library. It was his safe place. At thirteen years old, Michael needed a...

Lip Service-a short story by Stephen Cole
Both Joanna and Howard told stories. Each, in their own way, got great pleasure or solace and certainly sustenance from their tales. One...

The Cole Blog: Lulu Goes to Fire Island
While looking through old files on my computer I found a zip file with some unfinished work, including this delightful piece written by...

With the opening of Merman's Apprentice a few weeks away, I thought I would do part 2 of Ethel's great video appearances. Don't forget to...

The Cole Blog
TEN GREATEST ETHEL MERMAN TV APPEARANCES Part 1 (The First Five) With Merman's Apprentice opening in less than one month, I was thinking...